Our Services
Supervised Probation ~ Client will report for initial intake and all their conditions and expectations are discussed with the client and they are aware of what is expected of them. The client reports once a month to their probation officer unless there are other circumstances.
Tracking Probation ~ One or Two year terms. Tracking probation is the more minimal probation in that the client has to report for initial intake and conditions and expectations are discussed with the client. As long as they provide their officer with the necessary information that they need, they will not have to physically report to the office again. Some of the offenses that individuals are on this level of probation is: No proof of insurance, speeding, failure to yield, passing bad checks and minor in possession.
SATOP ~ OCCS has been approved to offer WIP (Weekend Intervention Program) in Laclede and Pulaski. We will hopefully have our first class in Laclede in July, 2024. Substance Awareness Traffic Offenders Program. This program is the program that individuals will have to complete to become legal in the State of Missouri if you have obtained a Driving While Intoxicated or other offense that involves alcohol. To schedule at our Lebanon Office you can call 417-533-3221 extension 101 and for the Waynesville office you can contact 573-774-5272.
Step 1.) Screening and Evaluation. You will need to make an appointment with the office and set up your appointment at least 48 hours in advance. The screening and evaluation will take approximately 1 – 1.5 hours. You will take a test of T/F and Multiple-choice questions, and then meet with a qualified SATOP Professional who will conduct your evaluation. At this time, the fee for this step is $375.00 that will need to be paid by cash or money order. The fees are set by the State of Missouri. This service is offered in our Lebanon office and St. Robert office.
Step 2.) Completing what level of services that you have been referred to by your qualified SATOP Professional. Below please find the level of services.
Level 1 ~ Offender Education Program (OEP). This program is a 10.5 hour program that is held on a Friday from 6pm until 10pm. Then again on Saturday from 8am until 2-3 pm. The fee for this program is $200.00 that would need to be paid at the beginning of the program with cash or money order. This program is offered at this time in the Lebanon office once per month.
Level 2 ~ Weekend Intervention Program (WIP). This program is held on a weekend at an approved provider from Friday evening until Sunday. This program is based on a sliding scale in regards to your income. You will be given the information for whom to call if referred to this program.
Level 3 ~ Clinical Intervention Program (CIP). This program is a 50-hours of group and individual counseling at a certified program. This treatment program will be over a 6-10 week period. This fee is based on income. You will be given the information for whom to call if referred to this program.
Level 4 ~ Serious and Repeat Offenders Program (SROP). This is a 75-hours group and individual counseling at a certified program. This treatment program will be held over a 7–12 week period. This program is based on your income. You will be given the information for whom to call if referred to this program.
If you have more questions in regards to your Driver’s License reinstatement you can click here https://dmh.mo.gov/alcohol-drug/satop
Other Services:
Supervised Probation
Tracking Probation
Drug Testing
Pharm-Chem Drug Patch
GPS Monitoring Service
Sober Link Service
Smart Link Service
Missouri Drug Treatment Court
Children First Program
SATOP ~ Substance Awareness Traffic Offender’s Program
SATOP Comparable Treatment Completions
Offender Education Program
Pre- Sentence Investigations
Alcohol and Drug Evaluations
*There will be more services offered soon*